Category: Cicerone news


Welcome 2022

Cicerone team wishes you a year full of happiness and goodness.  

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Biosphere certified Cicerone

Cicerone obtains the Biosphere Sustainability Certificate

A cultural organization must be responsible with its community and the planet. We are clear on that, so, for this reason, our aim is to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. This compromise has lead us to obtain the Biosphere Sustainability Certificate. In 2015, 195 countries, including Spain, pledged to pursue 17 […]

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virtual activities

A December of culture: virtual experiences

It’s hard to believe, but the last month of 2020 is upon us. After the great interest in the virtual tour marathon organized to celebrate International Tourism Day, the CTU agencies (Urban Culture and Tourism) have decided to provide you with new opportunities to travel from the comfort of your own home: From December 3rd -12th, we […]

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traveler choice

Cicerone Granada gets Travellers’ Choice award

At Cicerone Granada we are very happy because we have received the TripAdvisor “Travelers’ Choice” award. Why it feels so good? Because it is not a simple award, since it comes from the people who have visited Granada and the Alhambra with us. This organization was born with a very clear goal: handing the artistic […]

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cicerone granada coronavirus crisis

Coronavirus: patience, responsibility and positivity

It is true that we are in an absolutely new situation with the Coronavirus, we have never been in a similar juncture. But it is also true that it will pass and everything will come back to normal. If we want this to happen as soon as possible, we must become aware of the role […]

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felicitacion 2020 cicerone granada

Welcome 2020

Cicerone Team wish you a year full with adventure, trips, happiness and health. We will continue loving Granada with the same passion so we promise to do our best every day for you to have a meaningful experience.

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turismo y sostenibilidad cicerone granada

Cicerone Granada collaborates with the KLM vuela sostenible forum

Since we were born, CICERONE Granada has been aligned with conscious and sustainable tourism. We wanted to contribute to the economic revitalization of the city, but always respecting its roots. What makes it authentic. Putting Granada’s soul at risk means risking our history, our DNA, what we have done to be who we are. Therefore, […]

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labingranada 1

Cicerone in Lab in Granada. ‘A good manners guide’ for guides

LabIN Granada – the citizens’ laboratory To start this article, we want to introduce you to the new citizens’ project, LabIN Granada. This project originates from the UGR in order to boost participation by the university and members of the public. It aims to be a laboratory designed so that Granada’s citizens can participate more […]

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Cicerone Granada family grows again

At CICERONE, we are very happy because our guide Sofía Serrano has delivered a beautiful baby, called Gabriel. Both the mother and the little one are in great shape and ready to start their adventure together. The whole CICERONE team wishes you much happiness and good health to enjoy it. The world is a beautiful […]

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