sistema hidraulico alhambra cabecera

The Conquest of Water in the Alhambra

We uncover medieval ingenuity with an exclusive tour that explores the hydraulic system of the Alhambra, revealing its historical significance and its impact over the years.

Water in the Alhambra is not just a present element but also a key character in its history. Accompany the participants throughout the monument and its surroundings, unveiling secrets that go beyond its sonorous appearance. It represents an impressive intellectual and technological achievement of the Nasrids in the Middle Ages. From the outset, the magnitude of their feat is revealed in the elevation of water over 6 kilometers, defying gravity.

The highlight of the hydraulic system is the Royal Canal, which channels water to supply the city, its fountains, gardens, and agricultural areas. Participants closely explore the intricate network of siphons, aqueducts, and underground pipes that still function today. Throughout the tour, the course of water is followed, appreciating how life in the Alhambra was organized around this vital system. The tour includes a stop at the Polinario Bath, where the purifying role of water is discussed according to the Quran and in the lives of the inhabitants of the Alhambra.

What to consider

Private visit.

Spanish, English, and French.

Models of the Alhambra, Main entrance pavilion, Orchads of Generalife, Lower Gardens of Generalife, Interior of Generalife Palace, Patio of Ciprés de la Sultana, Water Staircase, Water Tower, Hammam at the Royal Street, Gardens and Palace of Partal, Plaza del Aljibe (water deposit) and Justice Gate.

Approx. 2:30 hours

What’s included
Guided tour.
Tickets to the Monumental Complex, specifically to the Gardens of the Alhambra and Generalife.
Not included: access to Nasrid Palaces.

Subject to ticket availability.

If you need more information or have any doubts, we are always available for you at