Al-Andalus coins made in Grenedine mints

In the context of the conference series “El milenio del Reino de Granada a debate” (The millenium of the Kingdom of Granada debated), academic Mª Jesús Viguera Molins from the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the Universidad Complutense presented a collection of coins from Al Andalus made in Granada mints from the 11th century on. In the conference “La época nazarí: Comentarios sobre el Milenio de Granada” (The Nasrid Period: Commenting on the Millenium of Granada), given by professor Viguera Molins, a variety of coins made in Granada mints from the 11th century on were presented. The most “recent” are from the end of the 15th century, coined in the time of Boabdil.
Below we’ll show images of a full collection of coins from Al Andalus: Zirid, Almohad, Almoravid and Nasrid, all coined and minted in Granada.

Dinar de oro periodo Zirí, Rey Badis, Dinastía Ziri 1038-1074

Dinar de oro almorávide Yusuf Ibn Tashfin 1087-1106

Dirham de plata ibn Yusuf

Dinar de oro Almorávide Ali Ibn Yusuf 1106-1143

Dirham de Plata Almorávide Ali Ibn Yusuf 1106-1143

Dirham de cobre almorávide ibn Yusuf

Dirham almohade Gharnata

Dinar de oro Ismail I 1314-1325

Dirhan Muhammad I 1237-1273 (Alhamar el fundador de la Dinastía)

Dinar de oro Muhammad V 1362-1391 (el promotor del Palacio de Leones)

Dinar de oro Muhammad XIII 1485-1489 (El Zagal)

Dinar de oro Nazarí Muhammad XII 1482-1492 (Boabdil, el Rey Chico, el que finalmente entregó Granada

Granada, Grey y yo
Coins of Al-Andalus, Tonegawa Collection