Month: November 2017

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Your child is the best museum guide

Could a child be the best museum guide? Your child could be the best guide you take to a museum, their curiosity always make them wonder about anything that comes to mind. Furthermore, they’ll see everything from their own point of view, the vantage point of a child, which isn’t always apparent to an adult. […]

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Pomegranate, a seasonal fruit

Autumn is well on its way and with it so are our most prized seasonal fruits. Among them we find pomegranates, quince as well as citrus fruits. Some culinary traditions have been developed using them and we’re going to reveal them now. However… they don’t just have a culinary history. Today, we are going to […]

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Quince, a seasonal fruit

Quince autum seasonal fruit Last week, we told you a bit about the pomegranate, which is in-season at the moment. So, this week we’re going to explore the membrillo or quince, a fruit that’s well-known across Spain for the exquisite recipes made with it such as the carne de membrillo (quince jelly). Let’s see where […]

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