CICERONE’s family increases in 2007

In CICERONE we are very happy to welcome three new members to our family, they were born in 2017.

Last March the 9th, our co-worker Violeta gave birth Nasser. He is a gorgeous blonde baby like his mother who is delightful and really really nice. You just need to see him in the photo we have. Violeta is now working again in her job as guide in CICERONE while Nasser is growing healthy and strong. Congratulations Violeta for such a beautiful child.

On october the 11th Ana, another co-worker, gave birth these beautiful twins called Diego y Darío. Their sister Julia and their brother Pablo are enthusiastic about having new members on the family.

By the way, Pablo was the first child born in CICERONE’S family. And of course we celebrated it on this blog too.


This year has been truly prolific and we are glad about it… There is nothing better than growing day by day, been surrounded of children’s joy, and the best part of it is the fact that those are our children. There is no other way since most of the workers in CICERONE are women, so we are extremely happy to see how our family grows.
